In middle school, your best friends are those that still like you even with a face full of pimples, play on the same sports team, and have only gone as far as you have with a boy(or girl).
In high school, your best friends are those that help you gain popularity, shop at the same clothing stores, and have abused the same illegal substances.
In the rarest cases you find a best friend "forever" one that stays with you through childhood and beyond, that watches the same shows, shares your love for a particular food, grows up next you, sees the beauty beneath your blemishes, plays your favorite sport with you even if they are terrible at it, tells you their sexcapades, introduces you to new, exciting, people, opens their wardrobe to you, and puts out your blunt so you can throw back a lager with them.
In the unthinkable cases, you find more than one. I am an unthinkable case.
When I moved back to Lancaster after living in West Chester for 4 years, I thought I was doomed to ride solo. I figured since I had not kept in touch with many people from home that no one would take the bait when I cast out the "Hey! I'm home, let's get together." text. I could imagine my friends rolling their eyes and placing their phones back into their pockets and bags after they read it.
I was too quick to judge. I underestimated the strength of the bonds I had created over the years.
People always tell you the friends you meet in college will become your best friends, and yes I made a few great friends there, but only 2 that I know I'll remain in touch with.
My greatest friends are the ones I've grown up with.
So, since I don't tell these people enough how much they mean to me, I'll blog about it, and tell my few readers how wonderful they are. (I'm almost positive these 4 are my only readers.)
Holland-My sister. We moved in together after dreaming about it since 2nd grade. She's the person who knows more about me than anyone, including my sister and parents. I go to her when I have a pimple on my back, not because I want her to pop it, but because I know she wants to. Her family is my family. She's the first person I call with good news, and not so good news, and even though we share many differences, the commonalities between us are the things that make a friendship work.

Ok, so for most this is vomit inducing material. I know I gagged a few times through it. But, get over it! I love my friends and I don't care who knows it. I'll shout it from the top of a mountain.
Next post will be funny, ok?
"There are big ships, and there are small ships, and the best ships of all...friendships."
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