About Me

My photo
Lancaster, PA, United States
I am a 26 year old female, with only hopes of becoming a rock star/movie star. Which basically means if I can't find anything else that I'm passionate about, then I'm going to be living with Mom and Pops the rest of my life(if they would even have me.) Grow up Peter Pan! is a blog about, well, growing up! And the day to day events that are thrusting me towards adulthood.

Monday, December 20, 2010

should old acquaintence be forgot?

As chaotic as my life is, and as uncontrollable as my thoughts are, I'm still an organized person.  My room at college was for the most part, immaculate.  That being said,  I moved back in with my parents a few months ago and walked into a cluster fuck.  There was everything from newspaper clippings of my glory days as a basketball player and high school theater performer, to rubber bands balls, pogs, loose change, N*sync cassette tapes, posters of my favorite bands from 6th grade, Halloween costumes, shoes and clothes that I've never even seen or just refuse to say I owned, American Girl doll clothes...you name it, it was probably there.

After looking at the mess piled up in my closet everyday since August, I decided to take on the challenge of rummaging through my past endeavors in hopes that it would bring back good memories, and make me feel accomplished.

I pulled out boxes upon boxes stuffed with years worth of goodies.  I couldn't believe how much I had collected over time.

Countless hours later, I was finally down to the last of it.  I could not wait to be done.  I could taste the end.
I pulled the worn box toward me and began tossing copies of 'Seventeen' magazine from 2002 into the trash pile, all the while laughing at the cover pictures.

My mood changed quickly when I discovered a plastic bag hiding near the bottom of the clutter.  It was filled with pictures of me and one of my great friends from high school who I had lost touch with.  It was alarming to see how differently we looked and how much I'd forgotten.  I had flashbacks of all the fun we had together, and instantly regretted distancing myself.  There was never a falling out, or anything of that nature.  We just got disconnected.

Oddly enough, later that evening she called me.  We met in town for drinks and  picked up exactly where we left off.  As different as we are now, our friendship is completely unchanged.  I'm so excited to see where the new year takes us.

So, to answer my own question.  No, I don't believe our old acquaintances should be forgotten.  And, if they are and you stumble upon them in a cluster fuck, and they don't happen to call you that same day, you should definitely call them. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

if you run...

Ugh, just what I needed, another "romcom" to make me feel like my relationship situation sucks a fatty. Screw you 'Going the Distance' with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long!  Despite the fact that I actually enjoyed it; it made me think way to much.  In case you didn't know, the film is about a couple trying to make a long distance relationship work.  He's in New York...she's in Cali...you get it.  I, being in a long distance relationship myself, couldn't help but see certain similarities between my boyfriend(Mike) and myself and the on/off-screen couple.  Although me and Mike are only about 2 hours apart, it's still challenging to find time to see each other and talk on the phone.  For the most part our work schedules are completely opposite, and when we do get a minute to call one another it's always the same conversation.

Me-"Hey Babe, what's up?"
Boyfriend-"Nothing, driving to work."
(2 min. of me singing to whatever I'm listening to on my ipod...which @ the moment is Boxer Rebellion)
Boyfriend-"What are you doing?"
Me-"Just about home from work."
Boyfriend-"Cool, what are you doing later?"
Me-"Not sure yet." (Unless it's Wednesday...Trivia night)
Boyfriend-"Ok, well, I'm just about at work so I'll call you when I leave."
Me-"Ok, sounds good, hopefully I won't be sleeping."(usually I am)
Boyfriend-"Alright, I love you."
Me-"I love you too."

Seriously, it's disgusting how accurate that is.

 Let me just add that as unstimulated as our conversations may be, and as minimal as our face time is, we are still so in love.  That's what makes our situation all the more difficult.

As I watched the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about our future as a couple.  We have been together over four years now, and even though neither of us are ready to get hitched, it would still be nice to take a step in that direction.  Thoughts continued to rush through my brain.  We could move in together?  Ok, I have to finish my last year of school first.  He could move here with me?  Eh, he has a good job and I don't want him to have to worry about getting a new one, and paying for an apartment that I'm not going to be able to contribute anything to because I'm a full time student.  Is it really going to be another year until we can settle down together?  I don't know...maybe even longer if I can't find a job right out of school.  Wait, what if I find a great job even further away from him than I am now, and he's content where he is? Shit, then one of us is going to have to compromise.  I talked way to much about compromising in polisci; compromising is no good.   I wonder if he thinks about this too?  Probably not, you're crazy, you're answering your own questions...isn't that when you know you've gone off the deep end?  


After the credits and a few tears, I blocked out all thoughts of the future, except one.

 If he runs.....?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

the hangover helper

Today I woke up at 6:27am to the unpleasent feeling of my brain pulsating against my skull.  I don't know if that's what's really going on when you have a migraine, but that's what it felt like.  With every step I took to find my purse where the advil was hidding I cursed the pint of Magic Hat #9 and 2 Blue Moons I inhaled consumed the night before.  Barley able to open my eyes, I dropped to my knees searching blindly for the white bag that my mom ever so kindly told me was out of season.("you can't wear white after labor day, Dani!")  After what seemed to be an eternity plus 5 minutes; I found my precious.  Forcefully inserting my hand inside, I scrounged up 3 dusty, lipgloss-covered pills. Eureka.  Only problem was I had nothing to chase them with, and since I just got over my fear of choking on pills 3 years ago I couldn't stomach the idea of doing a "dry swallow."  So, I gave myself a quick pep talk, peeled my lifeless body of the floor and continued on to the bathroom where I popped all 3 pills and slurped them down with a few gulps of well water straight from the faucet. Yum.  This was going to be a great day.  I could feel it in my brain :)